Corporate Governance

Overview Corporate Governance

HEXPOL is a Swedish public limited company. Responsibility for governance and control of the group is divided between the shareholders via the General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the CEO pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act, prevailing regulations governing companies whose shares are traded on a regulated market and HEXPOL's Articles of Association.

HEXPOL has defined unequivocal roles and division of responsibility between the Board, the Management and various control bodies. Transparency applies to information provided to shareholders and the capital markets. HEXPOL works continually to improve the company's decision-making and control systems, and as part of these efforts, the company inaugurated a Nomination Committee at the Annual General Meeting 2008 and an Audit Committee at the Extraordinary General Meeting held 2 April 2008 to deepen and rationalize the Board's work regarding these issues.

The OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm requires that all companies listed on the OMX Nordic List apply the Swedish Code for Corporate Governance (the Code) from 1 July 2008. HEXPOL is determined to comply with the Code and in those respects where HEXPOL chooses to deviate from the Code, justification for such deviation will be clearly stated in the Corporate Governance Report. Since 2011, the Corporate Governance is an official part of the Board of Directors report and can be found in the Annual Report.

Largest shareholders
Largest shareholders

Reports And Presentations
Reports And Presentations

Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development

Corporate Policies
Corporate Policies

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