Share Capital Development

Share Capital Development

The share capital in HEXPOL AB amounts to 89,734,960 SEK, represented by 344,436,846 shares. Of these are 14,765,620 Class A shares and 329,671,226 Class B shares. According to the Articles of Association, the maximum share capital is 160,000,000 SEK and the maximum number of shares 800 million.

Year, Transaction Change in share capital, SEK Share capital in total, SEK Quota value, SEK A shares, total B shares, total
1967 Formation 50,000 50,000 1,000 - 50
1997 New issue 50,000 100,000 1,000 - 100
2008 Split 500:1 - 100,000 2 - 50,000
2008 Bonus issue 53,003,954 53,103,954 2 1,181,250 25,370,727
2011 Rights issue 13,275,986 66,379,940 2 1,476,562 31,713,408
2011 Incentive Program 2008/2011 2,460,316 68,840,256 2 1,476,562 32,943,566
2015 Split 10:1 - 68,840,256 0.2 14,765,620 329,435,660
2021 Incentive Program 2016/2020 20,894,704 89,734,960 0.3 14,765,620 329,671,226
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