Sustainability Targets
Energy Target: Reduced energy use
Energy consumption (GWh/sales) is to be reduced continuously. Within the framework of ISO 14001 and/or ISO 50001, many of the production units are working with detailed targets for increased energy efficiency.
Over the year, investments were made in more energy- efficient production equipment, lighting and infrastructure. Compared with 2022, the key ratio for energy use decreased by about 5 percent.
Energy use
Climate Target: Reduced carbon dioxide emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions (tonnes/net sales) are to decrease by 75 percent by 2025 compared with the average for 2018-2019.
Increased purchasing of fossil-free electricity, installation of solar cells and improvement of energy efficiency helped reduce CO2 emissions by about 16 percent compared to 2022. In total, emissions have decreased by 57 percent since the base year 2018/2019.
Carbon dioxide emissions
Safe work environment Target: 0 accidents
The vision is that no accidents will occur at our workplaces. The target is that the number of accidents will be reduced. Systems for reporting near misses are to be in place in all operations.
The frequency of workplace accidents per million hours worked was largely unchanged from the average of the previous 5-year period.