
Remuneration Of The Board And Senior Executives

Remuneration is paid to the Board of Directors in accordance with resolutions from the Annual General Meeting.

Remuneration to the Board of Directors 2023 Board fee Committee fee Total
Alf Göransson, Chairman 1,063 153 1,216
Gun Nilsson 140 83 223
Jan-Anders E. Månson 430 - 430
Kerstin Lindell 430 - 430
Malin Persson 430 128 558
Märta Schörling Andreen 430 180 610
Nils-Johan Andersson* 0 0 0
Henrik Elmin 290 - 290
Total 3,213 544 3,757

* The fee for Nils-Johan Andersson's board and committee work has been invoiced by Melker Schörling AB. This totals TSEK 463, of which TSEK 290 relates to fees as a board member and TSEK 173 relates to fees as chairman of the Audit Committee.

Principles for remuneration to Senior Executives

The Remuneration Committee submits proposals to the Board of Directors for remuneration of the President and other senior executives. Remuneration of the President and other senior executives comprises basic salary, variable remuneration, other benefits and pension. The variable remuneration is based on earnings, earnings per share and the return on capital employed.

Between the company and President, the President is entitled to employment termination notice of six months. If employment termination is initiated by the company, the period of notice is 24 months. For other senior executives, the period of notice is six months and from the company the norm is 12 months. There are no agreements concerning severance pay and there are no outstanding pension obligations.

Remuneration to Senior Executives Basic salary 2023 Variable salary 2023 Pension costs 2023 Other 2023 Total 2023
Georg Brunstam, President and CEO* 9,180 12,135 4,686 3,963 29,964
Peter Rosén, acting CEO and CFO** 5,056 4,879 1,379 311 11,625
Other members of Group management, 5 (5) persons 27,733 26,861 2,176 1,808 58,578
Total 41,969 43,875 8,241 6,082 100,167

* Georg Brunstam was CEO until September 1, 2023. As of September 1, 2023, Peter Rosén was the acting CEO.

** Peter Rosén was Executive Vice President until September 1, 2023.

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