Financial Reporting
HEXPOL provides the market continuously with information on the Company's progress and financial position. HEXPOL aims at openness, objectivity and a high level of service in its financial reporting, in order to enhance the market's trust in the Company and to increase the interest of current and potential investors in the HEXPOL share.
The Company's information policy is updated annually. The policy satisfies the communication standards set by the stock market, and is designed in accordance with the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm's recommendations to complement the Listing Agreement. The Information Policy addresses such matters as who may represent the Company as a spokesperson, who shall decide what constitutes information which may have a material impact on the price of the Company's share, how such information should be dealt with, and the information content and methods used for communication with the financial market.
HEXPOL regularly publishes financial information in Swedish and English in the form of Interim Reports, the Annual Report and press releases on news and price-sensitive events.
Published information on HEXPOL's progress, other information intended for the stock market and other important data is available on the company's website.