Capital Markets Day 2021
During the Capital Markets Day members of HEXPOL management outlined the company's strategy, operational strengths, growth opportunities, sustainability roadmaps, financial plans and targets. Along the event, we showcased our visible near-term and sustainable long-term growth, financial strengths, acquisition skillset and over-the-cycle resilience.
The event started with a presentation by Georg Brunstam, CEO, who gave an overall picture of the HEXPOL Group, including a business update and presented our past and planned growth journey.
Peter Rosén, Deputy CEO and CFO updated attendees on the overall financial performance of the group.
Throughout the event, additional key members of the HEXPOL management team presented exciting growth and value creation opportunities. We looked into the acquisition landscape and our roadmap, had an in-depth update of the Americas market, explored sustainability improvements and new ambitious targets, learned how we aim to accelerate growth with innovations in sustainability and by capitalizing on the mega trend Electrification (with a focus on E-mobility).
The day ended with an open Q&A session with Georg Brunstam and Peter Rosén.
All presentations were held in English.
Presentations from Capital Markets Day 2021