Extraordinary General Meeting 2020

Extraordinary General Meeting 2020

Shareholders of HEXPOL AB Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was held at 3 p.m. CET on Friday, 20 November 2020 at Clarion Malmö Live at the address Dag Hammarskjölds torg 2, Malmö, Sweden.

Due to the continued spread of the coronavirus, precautionary measures will be implemented in connection with the EGM. The EGM will be held as short as possible and no food will be offered after the EGM. Shareholders, proxy holders and assistants showing any symptoms of infection, who have infected family members or who belong to a risk group should refrain from participating in the EGM. Shareholders are encouraged to carefully consider postal voting or to issue a power of attorney and voting instructions to a proxy. The company closely monitors developments on the coronavirus and may, when necessary, with short notice impose further precautionary measures. We encourage shareholders to stay updated via the company’s website www.hexpol.com.

Right to participate

Shareholders who wish to participate in the EGM must:

- firstly, be registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than 12 November 2020, and
- secondly, notify the company of their intention to attend the EGM under the address HEXPOL AB (publ), “Extraordinary General Meeting”, c/o Euroclear Sweden, P.O. Box 191, SE-101 23 Stockholm, by  phone +46 8 402 90 49 or at the website www.hexpol.com no later than 16 November 2020.

In connection with notification, shareholders must state their name, address, telephone number (daytime), personal or corporate identity number and information concerning their shareholding. For shareholders who will be represented by proxy at the EGM, the original version of a signed and dated power of attorney must be enclosed with the notification. A form for the power of attorney is available on the company’s website, www.hexpol.com and will be sent by mail on request to shareholders who state their address. For those representing a legal entity, a copy of the registration certificate or corresponding document showing the company’s signatories must also be submitted. In order to be entitled to participate in the EGM, shareholders whose shareholding is registered in the name of a trustee must, before 12 November 2020, re-register their shares in their own name at Euroclear Sweden AB. Thus, the trustee should be notified well in advance of the aforementioned date. Voting rights registration requested by a shareholder at such time that the registration has been completed by the trustee no later than 16 November 2020 will be taken into account in the preparation of the share register. 

Postal voting

The shareholders may exercise their voting rights at the general meeting by voting in advance, so called postal voting. HEXPOL encourages the shareholders to use this opportunity in order to minimize the number of participants attending the general meeting in person and thus reduce the spread of the corona virus. Shareholders who wish to exercise their voting right through postal voting shall, in addition to being included in the shareholders’ register and giving notification to participate in accordance with the above, use a special form. The form is available on HEXPOL's website www.hexpol.se. Completed and signed form for postal voting can be sent by mail to HEXPOL AB (publ), “Extraordinary General Meeting”, c/o Euroclear Sweden, P.O. Box 191, SE-101 23 Stockholm or by e-mail to [email protected]. Completed forms must be received by Euroclear no later than 19 November 2020. 

Shareholders who are natural persons may also cast their postal votes electronically through verification with BankID via Euroclear Sweden AB’s website https://anmalan.vpc.se/euroclearproxy. Such electronic votes must be submitted no later than 19 November 2020.

If issued by a legal entity, the form must be signed by authorized representative(s) and be accompanied by a registration certificate or corresponding documents evidencing the authorized representative(s) of the shareholder. The same applies if the shareholder is voting by post via proxy. Further instructions and conditions can be found in the postal voting form.

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